What is XEP?

XEP is the native coin of the Electra Protocol blockchain. XEP is used as currency used for all transactions. XEP coins can be found at a number of selected exchanges and integration providers. Additional exchanges are to be added for XEP trading.

The only mechanism to create new XEP coins using the Electra Protocol ecosystem is through staking XEP coins. There is technically no other way that somehow can create or re-issue burnt coins.

You can find Electra Protocol on CoinMarketCap (CMC) and other trading information sites. Here you can view a XEP price chart.

Meaning of XEP

The meaning of the XEP currency symbol is: X=ISO code 4217 for “international”, E=Electra, P=Protocol.

This way it will be expressed that Electra Protocol is a worldwide electronic currency.

XEP currency symbol - X - Electra Protocol coin logo

Wrapped XEP

For the sake of making XEP available to a wider audience of investors, it can also be purchased as a wrapped token on the Binance Smart Chain.

Electra Protocol