XEP/USDT listing and XEP/wXEP bridge service on TXbit exchange

Update from Aug 23 2023. TXBit stopped his operations, new bridge is on Komodo wallet


Electra Protocol team is thrilled to announce the listing of the XEP/USDT pair and the swap bridge service of XEP <> wXEP on TXbit exchange.

We are thrilled to announce the listing of the XEP/USDT pair and the swap bridge service of XEP <> wXEP on TXbit exchange.

As you know, we created the wrapped XEP token (wXEP) on BSC with an initial amount of 500M tokens. In the meantime, we also started injecting BUSD and wXEP into the pool and sold in time smaller units of wXEP to inject again into the liquidity pool. Our pool is currently at around $62K and we wish to see our community join and support the liquidity pool. Below you will find an explanation of how to be part of the pool.

XEP Token contract address: 0xb897D0a0f68800f8Be7D69ffDD1c24b69f57Bf3e

With the launch of the bridge on TXbit, we decided to initiate the bridge with a transfer of 200M wXEP and 36M XEP coins to TXbit:

200M wXEP token: For the users who will want to swap their native XEP coins to wrapped XEP (wXEP)

36M XEP coin: For the users who bought so far wXEP through Pancakeswap

Note: In case we receive additional demand on the XEP swap, we will mint further wXEP and against it the collateral will be reserved as well.

Regarding the confirmation of the wXEP token information, the official process is ongoing and we expect a response during the next few weeks from BSC team..

Links to Swapping Service

# Install the swap interface
1 – Install Komodo Desktop wallet https://atomicdex.io/en/desktop/
2 – Create your account, backup your password and the mnemonic (24 words)

# Add the assets in your wallet
3 – In `Portfolio` menu, click the button `+ Add Crypto`
4 – Type `XEP` in the search bar and check the box for `XEP-segwit` (which is the XEP coin) and `XEP-BEP20` (the wrapped token) then click `Enable`
5 – Do the same for `BNB` as you will need some BNB to pay the swap fees
6 – At this point: BNB, XEP-segwit and XEP-BEP20 are added in your wallet.
7 – Deposit some BNB for the fee purpose, 0.01 is far enough to make many swaps and deposit some native XEP for the transaction fees as well..

# Make a swap
8 – Click on `DEX` menu then `Pro` on top
9 – Select the correct pair based on the swap side:
> Swap your wXEP to XEP: XEP-BEP20 <-> XEP-segwit
> Swap your XEP to wXEP: XEP-segwit <-> XEP-BEP20
10 – You see now in order list the liquidity for both swap side
11 – Click on the order you want and enter the amount of coin/token to receive
12 – Click on Start Swap to preview the trade, then validate
13 – IMPORTANT: Keep the application open until the swap is finished! The swap happens OnChain in a decentralized way, so you must keep the application running.

Setup Komodo wallet

Swap process

Pancakeswap Liquidity Pool - XEP/BUSD

Adding Liquidity Into WXEP/BUSD Pancakeswap Pool

At the time of writing the APR on wXEP/BUSD pool is 7.54%

To provide liquidity, you’ll need to commit an amount of wXEP and BUSD. Your lowest value (in USD) of the two tokens will be the limit to the liquidity you can provide.

1) Visit Liquidity Page

Visit the liquidity page of XEP on Pancakeswap:

Make sure that you have a wallet connected such as Metamask.

Pancakeswap - XEP Liquidity - WXEP Liquidity

2) Fill Input Field

Once your wallet is connected, fill either XEP (WXEP) or BUSD field.

Pancake Swap - fill field - XEP BUSD - Wrapped XEP

3) Approve transaction

Click the Approve XEP button. Your wallet will ask you to confirm the action.

4) Approve supply

The Supply button will be shown. Click it.

5) Confirm the supply

A window will appear saying how much rewards you will receive. Click the Confirm Supply button. Your wallet will ask you to confirm the action.

You're done.

After a short wait you will see your LP Token balance at the bottom of the page.

By adding liquidity you’ll earn 0.17% of all trades on this pair proportional to your share of the pool. Fees are added to the pool, accrue in real time and can be claimed by withdrawing your liquidity.