Safety, privacy & risk management

Here is a list of advice, but not limited, to any crypto user:

  • Always do your own research when investing
  • Never invest more than you can afford to lose
  • Always keep your coins with you by storing them in your own wallet
  • Use exchanges only when you are buying and selling, store coins in wallets
  • Always do risk management
  • Never share your password nor private key with others
  • Use up-to-date antivirus software to avoid virus or phishing attacks on your computer
  • Use 2FA and other security methods to protect your account
  • Don’t share your personal and sensitive data with others
  • Store your password and private key information in a secure offline location
  • Don’t use cracked software, it might include trojans or other spy software
  • Selling cryptocurrencies is a taxable event in most countries
Electra Protocol