The following is the instructions how to setup the XEP Core CLI Wallet (command line interface) on a NAS such as Synology Diskstation, QNAP, or any Linux OS based distribution. This installation uses no GUI (graphical user interface).
The following is the instructions how to setup the XEP Core CLI Wallet (command line interface) on a NAS such as Synology Diskstation, QNAP, or any Linux OS based distribution. This installation uses no GUI (graphical user interface).
Requirements for the CLI Wallet installation:
The software setup has been tested on a NAS Synology DS218+ DSM 7.0 with more than 4Gb RAM. (Synology DS218+ is an Intel 64 bits core processor). It was also previously working on a Synology DS214+ DSM 6.2.4 with 1Gb RAM (arm 32 bits processor). For the installation please enable SSH access, and ensure you access with ssh using your account.
The below steps are all the steps described and explained during the next parts of this document. I recommend you to read at least once, all the detailed steps, and once you become familiar, you may only check this section as a reminder for all the steps.
For those users who need more detailed installation instructions, please follow the following steps 1 to 8.
Let’s create the directory where xep-cli and xepd will be installed. You may change the directory if you prefer to have a personalized directory for it. Perform the following command lines, knowing that in this tutorial, I will use the folder with subfolder crypto/xep in the home directory, and Linux CLI 1.0.5 for 64 bits processor:
From your NAS ssh terminal:
Assumed download link:
Assumed filename is: Linux_1.0.5.0_CLI.tar.gz
Optional: The file downloaded can now be deleted: rm Linux_1.0.5.0_CLI.tar.gz
Enable xepd and xep-cli to be executables: chmod +x xepd xep-cli
In the next step, we are launching the wallet software.
./xepd -daemon
XEP Core started, you may anytime verify what is going on by launching the tail command for the debug.log file.
tail ~/.xep/debug.log -f
Press Ctrl+C to quit this command.
To stop the XEP Core wallet, run these commands:
cd ~/crypto/xep
./xep-cli stop
The folder and subfolders ~/.xep/… have been created, we can now import our existing wallet.dat.
Each wallet.dat has to be put in a subfolder within the folder named “wallets”. The wallets directory is
The structure should be as follow (knowing that each subfolder wallet_name can have any other name). If your backup is the wallets folder itself, just replace the wallets folder entirely.
Now creation of a wallet sub folder (here “demo_wallet”):
mkdir ~/.xep/wallets/demo_wallet
Now copy any backup of your wallet.dat into this folder (using sftp, scp, smb shares or any other method available with you NAS).
For the below steps, ensure XEP Core is running. We will consider the wallet imported in the previous section:
cd ~/crypto/xep
./xep-cli loadwallet demo_wallet true
Explanation of terms:
./xep-cli loadwallet = the cli command to load a wallet
demo_wallet = name of your wallet (the folder within the wallets folder)
true = the wallet will be automatically loaded each time on xepd startup
Your wallet will now be loaded automatically each time xepd starts. This step just needs to be done once for each wallet.
Unlocking your wallet is necessary to participate in the staking process of XEP coins. You will have to unlock your wallet each time the core wallet (xepd) is restarted, using this executable. The following command is used to unlock the wallet and enable staking:
./xep-cli walletpassphrase $password 0 true
In this example, $password is your wallet.dat password.
In order to avoid writing it clearly in a command line, I highly recommend to create the following script file:, which the content will be:
echo -n "Password: "
read -s password
$XEPCLI walletpassphrase $password 0 true
There are several ways to create this file, for example by using a text editor like nano or vim. (If you are not familiar with vi, consider browsing the crypto/xep folder remotely, then create the file remotely). To create the file using the editor vi, enter this:
Explanation of steps:
– when you entered the editor, click “i” (INSERT mode is enabled), copy the 5 lines above and paste it on the vim editor (mouse middle click, or right click then paste option)
– click “Escape” button (INSERT mode is disable)
– write “:wq!” (write and quit with no confirmation) then press “Enter”
After you created the file, make sure to allow the file to be executed:
chmod +x
You are prompted for your password, which won’t be displayed, neither recorded. If no error messages appear, your wallet is now unlocked and staking (congratulations).
You may check your stakes using XEP desktop wallet on any computer, with the same wallet.dat (no need to unlock it on the desktop wallet), or on the Electra protocol explorer, searching your address.
The following commands are useful when dealing with the wallet:
./xep-cli getwalletinfo
./xep-cli getbalance
./xep-cli getbalances
./xep-cli help
./xep-cli getmininginfo
./xep-cli getconnectioncount
./xep-cli listtransactions
./xep-cli listaddressgroupings
For advanced users: Add all these aliases in a file that is automatically loaded at startup / terminal session. (the bash_profile file loaded automatically by your system might differ). The bash profile file shall contain all these aliases, and if relevant the XEPDIR variable.
#~/.bashrc personal .profile file for ash.
alias xepcli=”$XEPDIR/xep-cli”
alias startxep=”$XEPDIR/xepd -daemon”
alias stopxep=”xepcli stop”
alias xepstart=”startxep”
alias xepstop=”stopxep”
alias xepmining=”xepcli getmininginfo”
alias xeptaildebugfile=”tail ~/.xep/debug.log”
alias xepwallet=”xepcli getwalletinfo”
alias xepbalance=”xepcli getbalance”
alias xepunlock=”$XEPDIR/”
alias xeplock=”xepcli walletlock”
For advanced users: In case you want to host several wallet.dat files, this section describes the additional steps to configure it.
~/.xep/wallets folder shall have one subfolder for each wallet.dat
Each wallet will have to be loaded manually (once):
./xep-cli loadwallet wallet1 true
./xep-cli loadwallet wallet2 true
./xep-cli loadwallet wallet3 true
Each wallet shall be unlocked one by one, and I recommend creating one for each file, the only difference is on line 5, where wallet must be specified:
For :
$XEPCLI -rpcwallet=”wallet1″ walletpassphrase $password 0 true
For :
$XEPCLI -rpcwallet=”wallet2″ walletpassphrase $password 0 true
For :
$XEPCLI -rpcwallet=”wallet3″ walletpassphrase $password 0 true
To run the useful commands, you must specify the wallet (same for the aliases if using them):
./xep-cli -rpcwallet=”wallet1″ getwalletinfo
./xep-cli -rpcwallet=”wallet1″ getbalance